Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / sonar |

Diver Sonar
An active/passive sonar for divers with EL-display,
search and display sector 64 degrees, max. scale
range 200 m, audio channel 1-50 kHz, endurance
max. 90 minutes, recharcheable NiCd-batteries.
L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH
Neufeldtstrasse, 24118 Kiel, GERMANY
phone: ++49 431 883 0, fax: ++49 431 883 496
Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / sonar |
LowCost Passive Sonar LOPAS for Upgrading of Submarines
This product is a flexible and expandable system,
incorporating state-of-the-art technology and a
compact, low-cost design for stand-alone
operation or for integration into submarine
combat systems. These features allow it to be
tailored according to each customer's requirements.
L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH
Neufeldtstrasse, 24118 Kiel, GERMANY
phone: ++49 431 883 0, fax: ++49 431 883 496
Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / sonar | 
| | Multibeam Sonar Systems Since the acquisition of SeaBeam by L-3 Communications, the united capability of SeaBeam/ELAC provide a full range of multibeam systems covering any requirements from very shallow water to ocean depth. These multibeam systems now carry all the name "SEABEAM" (formerly BOTTOMCHART). SEABEAM Systems acquire high resolution bathymetric data with latest IHO standards (SP 44) and process them by various tools. Todate over 90 systems have been delivered to satisfied clients. ELAC's philosophy: system approach - i.e. integration of soft- and hardware in-house in order to optimize the complete system to customers' needs. See more... | L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH Neufeldtstrasse, D-24118 Kiel, GERMANY phone : ++49 431 883 0 , fax : ++49 431 883 496 | | |
Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / sonar |
Multifunction Sonar MFS 3100
Multi-processor technology with simple, reliable, flexible hardware design and high data
processing capability
High level software language for multi-processor programming
Colourdisplay ( 1280 x 1024 pixels )
Hydrophones with a high level of structure-borne noise decoupling
BITE ( Built-In Test Equipment ), also checks the reception sensitivity and hydrophone insulation
Make use of existing space and mechanical bases for Control and Display Console MP
93 and Electronic Unit EE15
Re-use of part of the cabling
Lower power consumption
Lower heat dissipation
L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH
Neufeldtstrasse, 24118 Kiel, GERMANY
phone: ++49 431 883 0, fax: ++49 431 883 496
Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / sonar | 
| | Navigation and Detection Sonar NDS 3070 A special supplementary dual-frequency sonar for navigation, detection and obstacle avoidance for use on board of submarines and surface ships. NDS 3070 is a small microprocessor-controlled high-resolution sonar with color display and optional audio channel. | L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH Neufeldtstrasse, D-24118 Kiel, GERMANY phone : ++49 431 883 0 , fax : ++49 431 883 496 |  | |