Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / searchlight |
Searchlight 150mm
For deck mounting Application: small boats and ships,Inland waterways craft Barrel and front ring
are made of HE30 aluminium Crutch is made of stainless steel Sealed beam unit, fully waterproof
mirror All outside surfaces are white powdercoated.
Försterweg 77, 22525 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: +49 40 547322-0, fax: +49 40 547322-99
Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / searchlight |
Searchlight 350mm
For deck mounting Application: medium commercial vessels, land based secure facilities Barrel,
back plate and crutch are made of stainless steel Base made of corrosion-resistant LM6 aluminium
Toughened soda-lime glass lens Super purity aluminium mirror All outside surfaces are white
powdercoated Internal surfaces are optical matt black.
Försterweg 77, 22525 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: +49 40 547322-0, fax: +49 40 547322-99
Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / searchlight |

Searchlight 450mm, Xenon
For deck mounting Application: large commercial vessels, land based secure facilities Barrel,
back plate and crutch are made of stainless steel Base made of corrosion-resistant LM6 aluminium
Toughened soda-lime glass lens Super purity aluminium mirror All outside surfaces are white
powdercoated Internal surfaces are optical matt black Standard fitment heater, thermostatically
controlled Electric remote focus.
Försterweg 77, 22525 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: +49 40 547322-0, fax: +49 40 547322-99