Categories Tree: services / software |

For an intelligent risk recognition and evaluation on board - ANRIS the "Early Warning System".
Marinesoft GmbH
Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str.7, 18119 Rostock, GERMANY
phone: +49 381 5196 350, fax: +49 381 5196 355
Categories Tree: services / repair |  | | CLASS REPAIRS Etmal Ltd realizes ship and land object general overhauls within the range of class and dock-maintain repairs. Wide range of our service includes: docking works, welding works, hull works, pipe works, electric works, painting works, engine works building and repairs bilge - ballast systems and fuel installations, choice and delivery of hydraulic devices and automatic systems. | |
Categories Tree: services | | | Designing and manufacturing boats We offer: - Free-fall lifeboats
- Launching and recovery systems
- Rescue boats and davits
- GRP workboats and recreational craft
- GRP production moulds
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Categories Tree: services / chromium plating |  | | HARD CHROMIUM PLATING We offer hard chromium plating. Coating is formed in galvanic process in electroplating bath type HEEF-25.Surface parameters after process: micro-hardness 1000-1100 HV, micro-fracturing 800 scratch/cm linear.
- Maximum size range for elements: length 1000mm, surface 20dm2.
- Thickness of layer: max 0,2 mm.
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Categories Tree: services | | | Insulation Technology Termika offers comprehensive installation of thin sheet metal shielding: steel, aluminium, zinc, zinc-titanium, copper, flat as well as profiled.
We suggest the following services in the range of: - thermal, acoustic and fire protection insulation,
- liquid polyurethane insulations,
- elastomers,
- plating industrial insulation with metal sheeting,
- ventilation,
- air-conditioning,
- spray metallization,
- anti-corrosion protection,
- industrial flooring - SIKA,
- thermal diagnostic - thermovision,
- Teflon plate coating system TIVAR TYPE.
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Categories Tree: services / repair |  | | REPAIR OF SEE FLOATING CRAFTS The BALTIC ENGINEERING Company provides services not only in repairs to machine and equipment parts and repairs by welding methods but also in repairs to means of sea transport, industrial plants, machinery and equipment as well as in repairs by molecular materials. The existing forms of providing services by BALTIC ENGINEERING we wish to offer you can be subdivided as follows: providing services by BALTIC ENGINEERING throughout the year, within the scope as agreed with the customer, joint participation in periodical scheduled repairs and inspections, subcontracting of services within the scope as mutually agreed. See more... | |
Categories Tree: services | | | Repairs and building of floating unites We make alteration and lengthening of ships various types. Because of technical conditions we deal mostly with repairs, alterations and building of ships 120m long and 19m wide, such as: - general cargo ships,
- multifunctional fishing boats,
- tugboats,
- pontoons,
- research-scientifically ships,
- rescue ships,
- barge,
- hull blocks,
- fire department ships,
- icebreakers for rivers and bays,
- other special ships.
| KONREM NAUTA Sp. z o.o. 1, Waszyngtona St, 81-342 Gdynia tel.: +48 058 621-22-86, tel.: +48 058 621-25-06, tel.: +48 058 621-24-61, fax.: +48 058 621-23-48 e-mail: biuro@konrem.pl www: www.konrem.pl | | |
Categories Tree: services | | | REPAIRS AND CONVERSIONS OF SHIPS
Morska Stocznia Remontowa S.A. carries out such repair work as: - Thorough reconstructions of ERs consisting in renewals of ME and DGs, pumps, pipelines and electric systems;
- Repair and overall diagnostics of MEs and DGs, as well as fuel pumps, injectors and speed governors and electric motors;
- Comprehensive repairs of shaft lines and marine propellers;
- Renewals of pipelines in ER, tanks and on deck;
- Servicing and repair of electric machinery as well as repair of electric systems;
- Hull and welding work consisting in replacements of plates, shell plating, hull and cargo space;
- Cleaning, painting and surface protection;
- Steel work and machining;
- Joinery and upholstery;
- Repair of deck equipment;
- Installation and repair of radio and navigation equipment.
| Morska Stocznia Remontowa S.A. Ludzi Morza 16, 72-602 Świnoujście tel.: (+48 91) 321 6241-49 fax.: (+48 91) 321 6144 e-mail: morska@msr.com.pl www: www.msr.com.pl | | |
Categories Tree: services / consultancy |
Datema offers professional maritime services and consultancy.
Inspection, service and adjustment Datema is an official NSI and
BSH qualified service station. Datema houses a marine tool shop
and a service shop for electronic equipment. Datema also employs
a number of compass adjustment specialists.
Datema Delfzijl B.V. Hogelandsterweg 8; P.O. Box 101; 9930 AC
The Netherlands
tel.+ 31 (0)596 - 635252
fax + 31 (0)596 - 615245
Categories Tree: services | | | Services for shipbuilding industry We perform: - the following work on newly-built ships and those under repair: piping work, plumbing services, hull repair, machinery work, electrical work, power hydraulic,
- every kind of hydraulic-piping work,
- every kind of hydraulic-welding work,
- hall, fence and gate construction,
- design.
| RUROSERW PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-USŁUGOWO-HANDLOWE ul. Marynarki Polskiej 59, 80-557 Gdańsk tel.: (+48 58) 3421991/92, (+48 58) 5220743, fax.: (+48 58) 3421993 e-mail: marketing@ruroserw.com.pl www: www.ruroserw.com.pl | | |
Categories Tree: services / software |

Application software specially designed for office and on board rationalisation of
administrative routines, for maintenance planning and monitoring to save time, reduce the
costs, purchase efficiently, manage the budget optimally and optimise the working sequences.
Marinesoft GmbH
Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str.7, 18119 Rostock, GERMANY
phone: +49 381 5196 350, fax: +49 381 5196 355
Categories Tree: services | | | Ship modelling The production of the models of ships is our main activity. We are preparing them basing on technical documentation adjusting their scale to our customers’ needs. As an additional activity we are performing renovations of the models and create copies of the industrial objects. “Our mission is to create ships models which fascinate by its quality, presenting perfection in details and greatness of the real sailing units” The models prepared by our company are brilliant advertisement tool for ships owners and its producers. Having an immense expertise in models’ production we are creating unique world class product and at the same time we are offering our customers a competitive price. We are pleased to invite you to cooperate with our company. | |
Categories Tree: services | | | SHIPBUILDING AND OUTFITTING, SHIPYARDS Repairs, conversions, modernisations, maintenance of Navy vessels, commercial and fishing vessels and technical fleet. Newbuildings. Manufacturing of special devices, components and spare parts. Services : repairs, docking, designing, subcontracting, forwarding, storage, testing. Foreign trade of products and services. | |
Categories Tree: services | | | Shipbuildings and repairs CRIST company employs experienced shipbuilders and we offer: - building of fully equipped vessels up to 90 m length,
- building of semi-equipped hulls up to 90 m length,
- lengthening of vessels,
- conversions and repairs of vessels,
- fabrication of steel constructions and hull sections.
The majority of jobs mentioned above are performed at our yard.
Our company is fully equipped for independent production. Our lofting and work preparation departments as well as steel fabrication and machining shops provide a reliable support for our manufacturing process. | |