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sp  spa  spd  spe  spg  sph  spi  spj  spl  spm  spo  spr  spu  spy  

1-67 z 67 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "spe"
1. speak35. speed
2. speak a ship36. speed adjusting shaft
3. speaking tube37. speed coefficient
4. spear fishing38. speed constant
5. spearfish39. speed drop
6. special ballast tank40. speed error
7. special cargo41. speed governor
8. Special category spaces42. speed indicator
9. Special contributions43. speed lash
10. Special purpose ship44. speed latitude error
11. special survey45. speed limiter
12. specialized ship46. Speed logs
13. specific air resistance47. speed loss
14. specific atmospheric humidity48. speed made good
15. specific frictional resistance49. speed made good to windward
16. specific fuel consumption50. speed of advance
17. specific gravity51. speed of wave
18. specific heat52. speed table
19. specific residuary resistance53. speed trial
20. specific resistance54. speed-length ratio
21. specific thrust55. speedboat
22. specific torque56. speeder spring
23. specific total resistance57. spell
24. specific volume58. spencer
25. specific wave-making resistance59. spend
26. specification60. spending beach
27. specimen61. spent
28. speckled background62. spent fish
29. speckled trout63. spent fuel
30. spectacle eye64. sperm oil
31. spectacle flange65. sperm whale
32. spectacle frame66. Sperry gyro compass
33. spectacle plate67. Sperry sphere
34. speculating broker

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