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1-87 z 87 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "ove"
1. over rake45. overhauling whip
2. over the bay46. overhead cableway
3. over tide47. Overhead crane
4. over-exploitation48. overhead power cable
5. over-fishing49. overhead stream
6. over-icing of ship50. overhead traveller
7. over-landed51. overhead travelling crane
8. over-raked52. overheight
9. overage53. overinch
10. overall efficiency54. Overland
11. overall heat transfer coefficient55. overlap
12. overall noise factor56. overlay correction tracing
13. Overall survey57. overlay mat
14. overalls58. overload
15. overbear59. overload test
16. overboard60. overmodulation
17. overboard discharge valve61. overpopulation
18. overboard fall62. overrigged
19. overbreak63. overrun
20. overcarriage64. oversail
21. overcarried cargo65. oversea trade
22. overcarrier66. oversea(s)
23. overcarry67. overset
24. overcast68. overshoot
25. overcast sky69. overside cargo
26. overdepth dredging70. overside delivery
27. overdischarging71. overside delivery clause
28. overdue72. overspeed
29. overfalls73. overspeeding
30. overfish74. overstowage
31. Overflow pipes75. overstress
32. overflow system76. overtake
33. Overflow through method77. overtaking light
34. overfreight78. overtaking sea
35. overhand knot79. overtaking vessel
36. overhang80. overtaking waves
37. overhang of bow81. overtime
38. overhang trawl82. overtime clause
39. overhanging crest83. overtime sheet
40. overhanging stern84. overtonnage
41. overhaul85. overturn
42. Overhaul life86. overturning moment
43. overhauling period87. overvoltage
44. overhauling weight

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