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  Maritime Encyclopaedia
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d  d1  da  db  dc  dd  de  df  dg  dh  di  dk  dl    dm  dn  do  dp  dr  ds  du  dw  dy  dz  
dia  dic  did  die  dif  dig  dik  dil  dim  din  dio  dip  dir  dis  dit  diu  div  

1-150 z 398 words started from: "di"
1. diagnostic program76. digital control
2. diagonal77. Digital selective calling (DSC)
3. diagonal and longitudinal planking78. digital speed sensor
4. diagonal bracing79. dike
5. diagonal bulkhead80. dilute
6. diagonal ceiling81. dimension
7. diagonal framing82. dimensional control
8. diagonal lifting shore83. dimensionless damping coefficient
9. diagonal line84. Dimentional Weight
10. diagonal pillar85. diminish
11. diagonal plane86. diminishing plank
12. diagonal planking87. diminishing strakes
13. diagonal shifting shore88. dimity
14. diagonal spur shore89. dimmer
15. diagonal strapping90. dims
16. diagonal stripes91. dingbat
17. diagonal tie plate92. dinghy
18. diagonal trussing93. dining room
19. diagonal wave94. dinky
20. diagonal-built95. diode
21. diagonal-cut sail96. dioptric light
22. diagram97. dioxide
23. dialling98. dip
24. diamagnetic99. dip chart
25. diameter100. dip net
26. diameter of turning circle101. dip rope
27. diamond102. dip sonar
28. diamond beacon103. dip stick
29. diamond decking104. dip the eye
30. diamond formation105. dip the flag
31. diamond hanging mesh106. dip up
32. diamond head107. diplexer
33. diamond knot108. dipole
34. diamond plate109. dipper
35. diamond point chisel110. dipper dredger
36. diamond rig111. dipping
37. diamond shape112. dipping a light
38. diaper plate113. dipping colours-ensign
39. diaphone114. dipping compass
40. diaphragm115. dipping lug
41. diaphragm valve116. dipping needle
42. diatomic ooze117. dipping the eye
43. diatoms118. dipsey
44. dickey119. dipsy
45. dickies120. direct
46. diddle net121. direct approach
47. die-lock chain122. direct bill of lading
48. dielectric thawing123. direct call
49. Diesel engine124. direct connected steering gear
50. diesel fuel125. direct coupling
51. diesel index126. direct course
52. diesel oil127. direct current
53. diesel-electric drive128. direct current link
54. Diesel-electric propulsion129. direct current motor
55. diesel-electric ship130. direct drive
56. diesel-propelled131. direct fire
57. Dieudonne spiral test132. direct port
58. difference of latitude133. direct printing
59. difference of longitude134. direct roving
60. differential acting hammer135. direct ship
61. differential block136. direct shipment
62. differential games137. direct tide
63. Differential GPS (DGPS)138. Direct Water Injection
64. differential pressure control139. direct-coupled
65. differentiation140. direct-line production
66. differentiator141. Direct-printing telegraphy
67. difflcult tow142. directing force
68. diffraction143. direction
69. diffused ice edge144. direction (indicating) light
70. diffusion145. direction and revolution indic
71. diffusion suit146. direction finder
72. difluorodichloromethane147. direction of flow
73. difluoromonochloromethane148. Direction of rotation of a propeller
74. digital149. direction of trade
75. digital calling150. directional

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